Ink for the Web: Part 3: Meta Instructions

Ink for the Web

Learning Ink


Ink is a scripting language for creating interactive fiction like choose-you-own-adventures and other vast, branching stories.

Using the Inky editor and Ink’s tagging system, projects can be created for play in a web browser through adding images, using meta instructions, and customizing layout and styles using CSS.


Meta Instructions

Along with understanding code commands, the tagging system in Inky also allows for more meta instructions like author, themeclear, and restart.


Screenshot 2018-08-30 16.24.36

The author tag allows for adding an author to the project. Once added, the “author” area will appear under the title in the web version.

Screenshot 2018-08-30 16.26.18


Screenshot 2018-08-30 16.30.57

By default, the “theme” (CSS style rules) is set to “white”. As with other tags, including the keyword “theme:” and a new choice will change it. Version 0.10 introduced a new theme option: dark.

Screenshot 2018-08-30 16.33.04

Note: As of this writing, Ink/Inky only supports two themes: white and dark.


Screenshot 2018-08-30 16.40.24

While other instructions change code properties, CLEAR works only in the web-export version. It “clears” all other instructions and starts at the top of the screen with the next instructions.

Screenshot 2018-08-30 16.42.27


Screenshot 2018-08-30 17.59.10

Like CLEAR, RESTART also only works in the web-exported version of Ink. Instead of removing things, however, RESTART does as its name implies: it restarts the project.